01702 965959


01702 965959


01702 965959


The Story Telling Chair


Children from Temple Sutton School entered a competition to design a Storytelling Chair for Wellbeing at Garon Park.

From the entries submitted, three designs were chosen and given to the Garon Park Shed. The volunteers at the Shed amalgamated the designs to construct a Storytelling Chair which was built out of locally sourced oak.

The intention being that the chair will be used by schools, community groups and individuals for storytelling in a beautiful setting.

On Friday 4th November 2022, the Storytelling chair was unveiled at the Wellbeing at Garon Park site.

The construction of the chair has been a labour of love for the Shed, as you can imagine, but they have done an amazing job.

The children’s design also included the phase “Don’t judge a book by its cover” which was carved into the back of the chair. Its robust construction means it will be there for many years to come.

The Chair was officially launched by the Mayor, Cllr Kevin Robinson and children from Temple Sutton School were on site to see the chair for the first time and to sit in the great chair!

To launch the chair, Steps Ahead, who run the Hive Nature School on site, commissioned a storyteller who shared the story of Greta and the Giants with the children.

A big thank you to everyone involved.


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